Kyudo World Magazine

Kyudo related articles wanted!

"Kyudo World" is an electronic magazine, which specializes in kyudo and is published twice a year in May and November.

We hope that Kyudo World Magazine will serve to connect and inform kyudo practitioners throughout the world.

We always welcome all types of kyudo related articles in English regardless of your level and experience.

Examples of possible article topics;
*Reports of Kyudo events, workshops and competitions
*Introductions of kyudo clubs
*Kyudo essays, opinions and thesis
*Kyudo travelogues and/or kyudo expedition records
*Tanka, Haiku, poems, novels, illustrations, photos
*Announcements of locally based kyudo events (beginners courses etc)
*Proposals for kyudo exchange competitions and/or practices
*Questions and Answers

Kyudo World is published in the form of an electronic magazine. Available for purchase via Amazon and our website.
- Publication size is A5 (148mm x 210mm).
- The magazine is in color. You can send articles with photos.
- Language: English. We appreciate it very much if you could send us your work in English beforehand. Please note, if your manuscripts are written in other languages, we will translate them in English.
- We also welcome photos for the magazine covers.

How to send your manuscripts:
1. Written work is in either WORD, TEXT or editable GOOGLEDOC format. Photos via GOOGLEDRIVE or E-mail (address below).
2. Please send it via e-mail to our Editorial Desk (
3. In the e-mail's subject, please put "Written submission: Kyudo World."

For more information, contact us!
Editorial Desk (

(Hardcopy Printing Service)
Author/Editor Category Price
(JP Yen)
Taiyo E-Books
PC: Available
Smartphone: NA
Kyudo World Magazine
(Vol. 1)
Kyudo World
Editorial Committee
Kyudo 1,320 Order Order


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