Philosophy: A Way of Thinking

Philosophy is the essence of the spirit of the epoch, as well as a way of thinking, which functions greatly to the scientific cognition of the world.

I. Philosophy is supposed to be a way of thinking

The mode of thinking is an exceptional feature possessed by human brain and also a higher form of cognition. The means of thinking in accordance with the scope it suits, can be classified into 3 categories, namely: the universal means of thinking, the general means of thinking and the particular means of thinking. The universal means of thinking is also the philosophical means of thinking which resulted from human social practices and is a summary for different concrete science which basically reflects the relationship between human thinking and the universal law of the outside world. Thus, it suits various spheres of human activities. The genuine philosophy is the universal means of thinking, which provides with the function of methodology.

The earliest human philosophy is also the earliest human theoretical thinking with which human beings tried to understand the surrounding phenomena.

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